Well - here we are - the end of another uncertain year of COVID. This one was big for me – personally, spiritually, familywise and in business…
For real – we celebrated the birth of my youngest in June, Florence. During my pregnancy I suffered from SPD which basically meant a lot of physical pain and disability in terms of walking, day to day chores and general movement. Although I’m still recovering from this, I feel incredibly grateful the situation was temporary, and it’s helped me to understand how very important it is to look after my body and not take health for granted.
I have learnt the very best thing I did in 2016 was to start a business.
I was scared but I had a dream to be self-employed and financially independent. I never wanted to go back to a job… EVER.
Since then, I’ve made some amazing friends, taught many wonderful children, designed my signature coaching program Reaching the Stars, and helped many young people and their parents become more confident, sure of their boundaries and positive, so I’d say that was a good decision!
How to sum up a year when you’re a person who moves on quickly to the next thing? I even got to November thinking I hadn’t achieved much this year! When in reality:
· I finalised my signature online program, Reaching the Stars, which I’m seriously so proud of.
· Foundations have been laid for a new program for 18–25-year-olds!
· Taken part in amazing coaching programs with the legendary Denise Duffield-Thomas and Jeff Walker!
· Been approached by various professional bodies to share my experience working with teens.
· Took the brave leap to leave tutoring behind and concentrate solely on coaching.
And personally:
· Committed to daily affirmations which have seriously changed my life
· Got really focused about my health and upgraded a few things (like a couple of teeth with hairline cracks)
· Signed up for gym membership to sort out my postpartum issues (seriously - I see this as one of my highest achievements this year for health and happiness!)
· Saw my 4-year-old through her first term of Big School!
Business was great, and I helped a lot of people - but the biggest joy of the year was actually taking on a hobby - singing.
From the outside, it might have been a weird pivot but don’t worry - I’m still 100% devoted to helping young people and parents - I realised however, that’s my calling and my work but not my HOBBY.
I don’t want to work all the time (even though I love it), I need space to fill my cup so I can help MORE people in 2022. It’s also reinvigorated my passion for my business, as well as being wonderfully therapeutic.
I kinda got a bit demotivated by promoting my business (I know - a totally first world problem to have) but for me, I need an emotional WHY for my business. I need something for success to flow to. I also wanted something tangible to work with, and that’s why even though I have standalone online programs available, I LOVE my one-to-one sessions with my clients and look forward to my coaching calls with both teens and parents.
I’ll be hosting my first ever parent and teen retreat in April 2022 which I’m super excited for!
Watch this space!
Like a lot of people, I found 2021 to be tough in a lot of ways. I am incredibly grateful to have my family nearby.
We sadly lost my grandfather in February and his absence at birthdays, celebrations and Christmas has been keenly felt. He would have turned 99 this year. I know he’d have really enjoyed watching the changes in my business as well as my family.
I’ve struggled to keep my feet on the ground a LOT this year. The trouble for creative people sometimes is having so many ideas, it’s hard to know where to start and when to put awesome projects on the backburner.
I’ve ended the year reminding myself of my mission - to help more young people adopt positive mindsets and life tools to help them lead their most authentic adult lives. This includes helping support parents to feel confident when it comes to their children and family relationships.
And I know the ripple effect that can create. By helping ourselves, we can help others. A parent gives themselves compassion – knowing they are doing the best they can. This in turn sets a great example for their children who learn it’s okay to be compassionate with themselves too. This allows growth, understanding, and confidence to continue learning from mistakes and blossoming.
Our boundaries also matter. Being clear about how we want to be treated and not allowing others to cross our boundaries will help us to become happier and more driven. It will also help others around us to feel more secure and happy to know where they stand with you. In turn, your example of boundary setting will empower friends, family and colleagues to also set healthy boundaries - that will create a ripple effect of change.
So please - spend the holidays recommitting as a family to your purpose for your business/ academic paths – all your work matters.
I also want to say THANK YOU.
Thank you for sharing my business with your friends, family and clients.
Thanks for spreading the word about my work. Thank you for kind comments on my social media - and I look forward to connecting with you in the new year.
Charli xx
My online Reaching the Stars program makes an awesome gift over the holidays while our young people are revising and preparing for summer exams.